A Kenyan court has ruled that US social media giant Meta can be sued over poor working conditions and layoffs, paving the way for a legal battle in the East African nation.
For the first time since she ascended to the top of the Democratic ticket, Vice President Kamala Harris has given a speech ...
By Peter Cameron, THE BADGER PROJECT In the last couple decades, Reid Hoffman has helped build many of the top tech companies Americans now use on a daily ...
While his followers wave signs reading “Mass Deportation Now!” and polling shows that support for the policy has increased, ...
Schools are testing how much they can shape the racial outcomes of admissions without being accused of practicing affirmative ...
According to a complex funding formula to be laid out in the bill, colleges and universities in the Prairie State would receive $6,000 for every black or American Indian student enrolled. Hispanics ...
Trump has made 41 distinct promises for his first day in office, including mass deportations and banning transgender women ...
Not enough ballots and a missing envelope that when found changed the winner in the 91st House race were some of the issues ...
Nearly 100,000 Arizona voters affected by a registration system error involving proof of citizenship will be allowed to vote ...
The former president's stance on IVF risks alienating anti-abortion supporters who oppose the procedure because it typically involves discarding unused embryos.
"Members do, in fact, have a democratic voice in the governance of their unions," writes one reader. Another writes that "the ...
Gitmo and politics
It is always dangerous to human freedom and due process when politics interferes with criminal prosecutions. Yet, present-day America is replete with tawdry examples of this. The recent exposures of ...